Itsy Bitchy Spider



woke up early/late. oooh i forgot. talked with ardo the whole time until mae called and told me that we had to meet by 1pm. told her i'd be there by 3 being the lazy butt that i am. i was the last one to arrive. haha. latest early bird. we planned and talked. mae, eia, jhongs, bea, micah and jen were there already. (they were seated respectively) jen was playing dota. wuhoo. we went to faye's house without her knowing and prepared the house. we made 2 posters and a banner... bought chips and drinks and pizza. ooh the hot hot hot pizza (it was hard cold when we got to eat it. the hot sauce helped.) took lots of sequence pics... and had funfunfun. played dota but bea called me to print the mae took over..funny coz they also told mae to eia took over the game. don't know what happened but jen got his lappie back and used it while we were all downstairs. sneaky girls. ugh. we looked at faye's pictures and found lots. hehehe. when faye arrived, we were all crawling to the fridge to get a drink. haha. funny coz someone almost locked my arm inside. drinking in the dark, we waited for faye to come. haha. abi was with faye all day to stall. bea was the one who welcomed faye in. oh was she surprised. hahaha. we all shot up and greeted her when they turned on the lights.... waaah. tears tears!!! pizza and picture picture after that. bea, mae, eia, jhongs and micah left after eating. we went with them and when they said goodbye, jen looked for a store where we could buy hahahaha. i was talking with ardo while following them store hop. we all drank except for faye. drama moments and weird heavy funny freaky cutie blah instances happened. tis too long to tell. wrote faye a letter. helped with whatever. aww im gonna miss you. when it was my time to leave the house, faye came along with me. she tied the dog and i went after her. good thing i was a little tipsy because i might have reacted more. poink. i stepped on dog poop. haha what a nice way to say goodbye. cleaned my slippers first then went out. faye hugged me. we have this promise that we'll see each other again this year. stop the drama. it's choking me. haha.
when i got home, ardo called. we talked till morning. haha. then i finished the poem thingie. slept till the sun went up.

went out. haha starbucks with lexa and jhonah!!! got my picture taken first then walked from there. haha layooo. kwentuhan blues. funny stories ah. hahaha. if not cs, i'd take up med. haha. what's wrong with being a caring loving healer? hahaha. i want to save lives. yeah right. babbled stuff from the underworld to the harry potter world. haha jhonah. addicted to hp. lotsa talk. miss these moments. hehe. lexa's mom gave us a ride home. she dropped us at kodak so we could get my fugly pic. yak ang taba. jhonah wanted to walk, and so we did. tomorrow's another pangasinan trip and im sooo lazy to pack. ehem. cheerio!


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